Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Traffic, Traffic and more Traffic!

I'm sure the traffic in India will be a subject of many blog posts.  I can't really describe it.  We have seen scooters going the wrong way down the street, motorcycles on sidewalks (without helmets and TEXTING!!) and people walking right in front of cars.  Oh and I forgot the random cow or buffalo wandering in the streets!  It's something you actually have to experience for yourself!  I took the picture above with my iphone while we were stuck in traffic.  The tuk tuk (auto rickshaw) was never touched by any of the other vehicles.  I guess there is some method to the madness, but I haven't figured it out yet.

I just saw this article on about the 5 most dangerous places to drive.  Here is an excerpt from the article.  Interestingly, Mississippi is also listed in one of the Top 5! 

Roads with the most chaos--and the most cows
Notorious for its chaotic traffic, India might well be the most terrifying place to drive. Gargantuan traffic jams, six cars crammed into the three lanes, and a complete disregard for traffic signs and markings: These are just a few of the travel hazards you'll face on India's city streets. The noise of car horns is deafening as streets seethe with cars, cows, mopeds, bikes, and pedestrians. Outside the cities, ancient, precariously held-together vehicles hurtle along poorly maintained roads at breakneck speed. Drivers often leave car lights off at night when driving poorly or unlit streets and sometimes shut off engines completely when going down hills. If you have to drive in India--it's an experience you'll never forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!! I am coming to see you!