Thursday, February 27, 2014

Grown Up to Soon

One of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around in India is the desire of families to marry off their daughters at very young ages.  Some do it out of necessity, because they can't afford to take care everyone.  Some do it because that's just "what you do." Their parents did it and their parents did it.  And so on.  The girls go live with the husband's family and start having babies as soon as possible.  The circle of life, if you will.  (FYI, the legal age to marry is 18.)

The little girl to my right is 14 years old.  She looks more like she's 10.  She wanted me to pray for her to have a baby.  I mean SHE is just a baby.  She said she has been married several months and still hasn't conceived.  A lot of people ask me to pray for them to have babies, but she is the youngest one so far.

I can't even imagine this.  She should be in school.  She should be outside playing.  I am not judging.  This is a cultural thing that you see mostly in the lower castes.  I know life is hard for them.  I've seen where they live and how large their families are. They struggle to exist on meager wages; a lot on less than $1 a day.  

I'm praying for her.  I'm praying that she will have a wonderful marriage and that she is blessed with many children.  That's all she has.  Will you pray for her, too?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting. A little heart-breaking but at the same time, it's like you said - there is a cultural aspect to it that drives them towards this way of life as being what is the best & right way.

Thanks for sharing