First Baptist Church - Memphis, TN |
About a year ago, one of the pastors at our church asked Mike and me to speak briefly about how God was working in our lives. I talked about how when I turned everything over to Him and stopped trying to control my my life, He started doing amazing things!
If you know me well, I'm not one to take risks. I'm not exactly what you would call adventurous. I'm more of a homebody. Sure, I loved taking vacations, but I didn't like to "travel." I liked everything neat, organized and tidy. Traveling upset all of that! Nothing was where it was supposed to be!
I tolerated flying, but I was never really comfortable doing it! I don't care what anyone says. Those big metal tubes should not be able to fly at high speeds at 30,000 feet!!
I stepped outside my box occasionally, but just baby steps. Then I would jump back in.
God, however, had different plans. I began putting Him where He was supposed to be. I started relying on His strength and not my own. He not only helped me to step outside my box, He held my hand while He dumped me out!
A year and a half ago, if you would have told me I would be leaving behind my kids, family and friends and moving 8,000 miles away to INDIA, I would have said you were crazy! NO WAY!!! I couldn't leave Matthew and Weston! I'm their mother! Plus, I don't care for the food. I don't enjoy flying anywhere, much less to INDIA! I can't drive in India, and most of you know that I HAVE to drive! I get anxious in Memphis traffic! No way could I stomach the traffic in INDIA! One reason after another. You get the idea.
All of those reasons were about "I", though. I realized that it's not really about "I" when you get right down to it. When I turned it all over to Him and made it about Him, He helped me over each hurdle I threw out there.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5 (NASB)
Mike and I don't know exactly why we are over here, but we will wait patiently knowing that He is preparing us for whatever it is. We have met some wonderful people that we wouldn't have met otherwise. Yes, there are and will continue to be challenges, but we are confident that He will hold our hands through each one.
Someone said (I wish I could remember who), "If you want to hear God speak to you, then read the Bible out loud." I challenge you to make Him the center of your life. Spend time with Him each day. He promises to do amazing things if you will. And He never breaks His promises!
"God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?" Numbers 23:19
PS - He still has some work to do with me and Indian food. Then again, maybe I'll lose a few pounds! :)